By interiorzine on June 26, 2019 Trends & Tips
A tendency we have observed on the word’s design scene and brought to your attention in our previous articles, is that the lifestyle of modern homeowners and the new type of family’s dynamic puts the kitchen into the heart of the home – thus creating a new style of open floor arrangement and fluid motion between different functional zones.
Modern designers search for a fluid sequence of rooms in an open floor plan, a composition that often includes neat and tidy kitchen, stylish dining, and an inviting living room arrangement – all suitable for multidimensional lifestyle. After all, in our overly busy life, there is nothing more desired than time and that kind of space configuration allows modern people to combine the preparation and consumption of food with social and family-time activities. Precious!
From a design point of view, this composition requires the decor to be unburdened from unnecessary design elements and to offer functional, stylish, and minimalist utilization. So, modern brands and designers aim for agile, movable, and tidy furniture elements to equip the central part of the home – the kitchen without making it too heavy for its surrounding. The principle hide it if you can – becomes quite popular.
After all, if you can use sliding doors, hidden movable constructs, and surfaces with multiple applications to achieve a tidy and clear-lined kitchen design, why not? But this minimalism of lines and structures does not mean that the expression of the kitchen composition stops relying on luxurious and precious materials. Indeed we observe quite the opposite – as the utilitarian and elegant functionalism in the heart of the home progresses, modern designers tend to use precious and expressive materials to create a focal center of the kitchen’s decor.
Natural materials like marble, granite, exquisite wood and glamorous metal accents from brass and copper are often part of the designers’ selection for the kitchen assembly. Glass and stone details are also present in contemporary projects. But let’s explore in depth the trends in materials and finishes.